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How do I use my cash app routing number?

You can use your routing number on your Cash App to set up direct deposit. Shutterstock You can easily find your Cash App routing number if you already have a Cash Card associated with your Cash App account. You can treat your Cash App balance like a bank account, and have your paychecks directly deposited to your account.

How do I Find my routing number?

Method 1: Find the routing number in the app: Open the Cash App on your mobile device. Tap the profile icon in the upper-left corner. Scroll down and select “Cash.” Scroll down again and tap on “Direct Deposit.” You should find your routing number along with your account number on this screen.

What is cash app used for?

The routing and account numbers provided by Cash App can be used for setting up direct deposits from employers, tax refunds, and government benefits. Is Cash App itself a bank? No, Cash App is not a bank.

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